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thornton heath, surrey, United Kingdom

Monday 28 February 2011

Liebster Blog Award

Thank you so much Chevy girl at http://www.youtube.com/user/chevygirl4001 (YouTube)... http://itsmechevygirl.blogspot.com/
I am so honored to be chosen for this award!

The Liebster Blog award is given to bring new blogs to light. It is a great way to share blogs that might not otherwise be seen or ones you want to share with others.

As a recipient you must share the love and pay if forward by:
1. Creating a post where you blog about the Liebster award & reveal your 3-5 blog picks.
2. Let them know you chose them.
3. Copy and Paste the blog award on your blog
4. Have fiarth that your followers will rally & show their crafty love out to those you awarded.
5. Have fun!

I would like to honor 3-5 other talented ladies blogs:





Wednesday 8 September 2010

modes4u fimo products - card 2

For this card I just used a card base and pieces out of a card kit. The stampset I used was see D's A piece of cake.
Using a triangle shaped make-up sponge (the ones we use to ink smaller items) I cut it down to size, and cut off what would be the back edge of the cake, making it mostly flat, so it could be adhered to the card. Some fiddling with the size will be needed as you dont want your fimo pieces looking too small on it.
I used some brown I think its Tea dye distressing ink to get it looking a more sponge cake colour.
I took a permanet red marker and drew a line down one side. then went over the line with little touches of Glossy Acents.
On the top and the bottom of this line I used opal perfect pearls to make the 'cream' lines.

I then smeared more perfect pearls on the top and side of cake, I tried not to smooth it, and made as many peaks as i could on the side, as perfect pearls tends to dry flat.
Before the perfect pearls dried, I added the fimo strawberry slices that I cut from the fimo cane, I did buy some additional whole strawberries, from ebay. They can be found in the doll house section.
I then put a little bit more perfect pearl icing at the bottom edge of the cake. I left it to dry overnight on an acryllic block.
When dry the sponge is still spongy but the perfect pearls keeps everything in place. Just to be safe I will make a card box to post this one in.

modes4u fimo products - Card 1

This is an anniversary card(tent card) with coctails made from the fimo fruit canes

I stamped the image on acetate using stazon ink. Turned the image over and then cut up the pieces of fimo into smaller pieces to fit the glass using glossy accents. When the pieces were all on i put more glossy accents on top of them so that they would not flake off.

I left them overnight to dry.
I then added the lemons to the back of the image too, but I needed to keep turning it over to see that they were sitting in the right place. I let that dry and the image out.
I will be using some more of these cocktails on a tag I am making later.

Friday 3 September 2010

modes4u products month

Hey everyone, sorry been missing, I have not even put up my new prom mini but I will upload it on you tube shortly.


Although I am a bit late I have designated the whole of month of August 2010 to using the products I had received from Modes4u. Copy and paste the link. This is a kind of challenge and review at the same time. So I should start by telling you about the site.
I guess you already know the name, but incase you have just woken up, MODES4U is an online shopping site based in Hong Kong. No no!! Come back!! its okay, you dont have to run scared at overseas postage, thats why I thought I would let you know about this one and how its going so far.

I was actually approached by a lovely lady to try some of their products, and i thought okay why not, I am a crafter I can use anything. Famous last words. I talked to a lady called sandra she was my contact for the company via email, she seemed genuine so what did I have to looSe,

Right away I was impressed at their politeness, they kept me informed and even told me when it had been dispatched, so then I waited. Okay From Japan, you are not going to get it the next day, but I can say I got it just about in two weeks. Well packaged and lovely.

What a suprise!! aaah beautiful vibrant material!
I was really pleased, its really quality cotton, and I need to make the most of them, uh oh, I HAVE TO SEW!!!
watch this space.

She also sent me some polymar clay fruit pieces, these were the first time that I have actually seen them and they are just too cute. Actually I looked at the prices for them on ebay and you get a better quality of cane from modes for you. They will cut it or just send it uncut like those in the picture. He he I wont be using it for my nails, but check back here or on my utube channel angelah7030 and you will see what I actually came up with.

Let me give you a heads up!! these people are fantastic, dont believe me? okay you know that new Graphic45 Halloween in wonderland scrapbbook paper everyone is snapping up, well they have only got the material in to match. Its gorgeous and I looked to see if I could get it anywhere else and it only comes from japan my friends. I could go on and on about the material you got to see it, I am not exaggerating and not only that, they have it in THREE COLOURS with the alice silhoette. mwah so pretty, Why did I not get some myself? aaah well sadly due to my beliefs we dont celebrate halloween so I could not really get the any other paper to match. GO LOOK WHAT YOU STILL DOING HERE?!LOL

Not covinced, well check that Hello Kitty Material out!

Modes4u is a general craft store, but not a scrapbooking in general store. So they have cute self made stamps but not as we know them. They do accessories like bags, lunchboxes and they are forever adding new items ooh nearly forgot yeah they do really cute stationary items and they sent me these tapes to try out.

So if you have not looked already, yes if you love sewing then you will be heaven, they also do polymar DIY sets. Yes that takes you into a whole new world of crafting!!

I will start off by making some cards and keepsakes using the polymar clay items, I did order some extra stuff from them to make sure my design works.
Later I will show you my order when it comes in. I found out that they are the only suppliers of this polymar clay icing!! yep I looked in ebay not there!! What do I need that for? well you will see. lol
So far I would like to say that you should try shopping from Japan, I was a bit wary at first, especially via ebay, but they all arrived safely and in good working order. When I did place my order I did notice that the shipping prices are so reasonable, much more reasonable than shopping from USA (I am in UK). I was really pleased about the amount I had to pay for the shipping did not seem international rate at all, and they do combine shipping.

Why am I going on about these particular people so much? Well I would like the crafting accessories varied for my fellow scrappers, you get such lovely designs from Japan and here is a site that is genuine and honest.

Well off to get started but thanks for your time and keep checking back in the month to see what I eventually end up with from the products, and everyone keep their fingers (and/or legs) crossed for me that my sewing machine works, I have not used it in years! thanks for visiting

Sunday 25 July 2010

Remaining Pages of my messy project

I am so proud to have finally conquered using distress inks, still working on the stamping but its getting better

This page is my partners page, he has had a really good year so far, I will insert his photo in the frame soon. it does not have any journelling space, as to get him to sit down and write would be impossible, so i just put his favourite quote and some icons of what has happened to him

This page represent my middle daughter. Yes she is all about the music, she is always singing and i call her my little song bird. She has had a relative good year, and has just finished her GCSE which i will portray in her mixed media page

I threw everything at this page, embossing inking paint, really started to get into the mood for experimenting. I still tried to keep the 'home theme with the stickers which came with the paper pack.
This page is for my eldest daughter, she has been stuck at home looking for a job, whilst she tries to get on to her japanese course AGAIN she keeps missing the places. In all this disappointment she has been content and taken it in her own stride, tell you the truth she is a much stronger person than I give her credit for

This page represents the children's dad. He has been a constant support in their lives. This year he has really had to step in due to my surgeries, he always makes sure that we have our dinner and now he has become the national Bank Of Dad. I keep telling him he is spoiling them but he just wont listen. He has been a real blessing to us this year.

This the back cover, it just summerizes what and who the book is about. I had a go at stenciling it came out really good. I used a Martha Stuart punchout that was a gift from Fiona on utube. A very kind lady, but yeah loved the way this turned out. No I did not make that beautiful flower I bought it from a craftbrulee another lady on utube, but I did make the organza rose flowerish thing, my first go he he.
Well thats the mini album/journal pages finished and I have started on the art journal bit, mmm wish me luck

Tuesday 13 July 2010

pages 3 of my messy use everything project

hello, last couple of days been on my messy project, have got everything out perfect pearls, paints, inks, stamps, etc. This has a tag for photos and jounalling, but this page is for my youngest daughter, In her life right now, she has many suitors, she is realising that she becoming a woman and a good looking one at that! and boy does she want to embelish that fact. So here she is, becoming an elegant young lady, being atrracted and atrractive to the opposite sex. her studies are sound and she has a vibrant social life. This is her snap shot as of July 2010. will do a mixed media painting for her when I get my paint brushes,

Friday 9 July 2010

A couple of cards

made some cards today, started on page three of my messy project but still needs some work lol


personalized for a christening